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Tele­fon: +49 (0)30 – 327 617 90

E-​Mail: mail@​schirp.​com

All con­tact information

Life insurance

BREXIT impact on UK life insurers

April 2019

Poli­cy­hold­ers of a Brit­ish in­surer, such as Cler­ical Med­ical (now: Scot­tish Wid­ows Ltd.), Stand­ard Life, Scot­tish Mu­tual or Friends Provid­ent keep ask­ing the law firm SCHIRP & PART­NER. Does Brexit af­fect con­tracts con­cluded in Ger­many? This ques­tion can be answered with a clear yes. The Brit­ish will leave the European Union on March 29, 2019, at least according […]


Revocation of life and pension insurances

June 2016

Life and pen­sion in­sur­ance con­tracts con­cluded be­fore Decem­ber 31st, 2007 can still be re­versed by objection…


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