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Sympatex Bond (A1X3MS): Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger SdK calls for legal action

The Schutzge­meinsch­aft der Kapit­alan­leger (SdK) is call­ing on the vic­tims of the Sym­pa­tex bond A1X3MS to file a law­suit. You can find the de­tails here. The ap­peal is based on ex­tens­ive in­vest­ig­a­tions by the Mu­nich pub­lic prosecutor’s of­fice. The pub­lic prosecutor’s of­fice has car­ried out house searches at 50 of the de­fend­ants’ loc­a­tions and taken sev­eral de­fend­ants into cus­tody. The in­vest­ig­a­tions also con­cern per­sons from the Otto fam­ily of en­tre­pren­eurs in Ham­burg and their im­me­di­ate circle. At the same time, the law firm Schirp Schmidt-​Morsbach Recht­san­wälte PartG mbB is press­ing ahead with the civil pro­ceed­ings. The vic­tims of the bond cut should not ac­cept their losses. There are con­crete pro­spects of re­cov­er­ing the cap­ital invested.

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