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Wirecard Trial: Case in full swing

In­jured parties can take part in the test case un­til Decem­ber 31, 2023


The ex-​Wirecard COO Jan Mar­s­alek, who has gone into hid­ing, has writ­ten a let­ter in the Wir­e­card crim­inal pro­ceed­ings. The ex­act con­tent and word­ing are as yet un­known. The eight-​page let­ter was writ­ten by Marsalek’s law­yer Frank Eck­stein on be­half of his cli­ent. The “Wirtschafts­woche” was the first to re­port. It is also not clear why […]


A new status re­port is avail­able on the in­solv­ency pro­ceed­ings of Wir­e­card AG.


On July 13, the law firm Schiri & Part­ner is plan­ning a we­binar in the Wirecard/​EY mat­ter. Since mid-​March, it has now been pos­sible to re­gister for the cap­ital in­vestor model pro­ceed­ings in the Wir­e­card mat­ter. The dead­line is still Septem­ber 18. All those who have not yet de­cided to file a claim for dam­ages against EY should […]

Berlin law firm Schirp awarded yet again

The busi­ness magazine “Cap­ital” and the mar­ket re­searcher Statista an­nu­ally se­lect the best law firms in seven dis­cip­lines. For the third time in a row, the law firm Schirp & Part­ner Recht­san­wälte has been named one of the best law firms in Ger­many by the magazines “Stern” and “Cap­ital” (June 2023 is­sue). To­gether with the mar­ket research […]

Wirecard: Development in the model proceedings – invitation to the webinar

At the be­gin­ning of May 2023, we would like to in­vite you to an­other we­binar. On March 13, 2023, the model plaintiff in the cap­ital in­vestor model pro­ceed­ings in the Wir­e­card and EY mat­ter was de­term­ined. This means that the start­ing sig­nal for the re­gis­tra­tion in the model pro­ceed­ings has been given. We would like […]

“Project Everest”: EY stops split-​up plans">Project Everest”: EY stops split-​up plans

EY has sur­pris­ingly stopped the planned split of its audit and con­sult­ing busi­ness. As re­por­ted by “Han­dels­blatt”, EY has sur­pris­ingly stopped the planned split of its audit and con­sult­ing busi­ness. The group made the an­nounce­ment in mid-​April. Ac­tu­ally, the 13,000 EY part­ners should have voted on the split-​up concept planne as “Pro­ject Everest” this month. […]

Wirecard: German audit watchdog imposes record fine on EY

The aud­itor watch­dog has found massive breaches of duty at EY in con­nec­tion with the Wir­e­card scan­dal. Ger­man watch­dog APAS im­pose dra­conian pen­al­ties on EY at the be­gin­ning of April. For ex­ample, the audit­ing firm is not al­lowed to take on any new audit man­dates with pub­lic in­terest com­pan­ies for two years. It will also […]

Further Purchase Offers For P&R Insolvency Claims

Schirp & Part­ner Recht­san­wälte rep­res­ent an Anglo-​Saxon fin­an­cial in­vestor mak­ing new pur­chase of­fers for P&R in­solv­ency claims. Of­fer 1: Cash Pur­chase Price Up To 25 % Schirp Schmidt-​Morsbach Recht­san­wälte rep­res­ent an Anglo-​Saxon fin­an­cial in­vestor mak­ing new pur­chase of­fers for P&R in­solv­ency claims. These new of­fers range up to 25 % of the in­solv­ency claims re­cog­nize by in­solv­ency ad­min­is­trator Dr. […]

Wirecard trial: Testimony of Markus Braun concluded

The first stage of the crim­inal trial against ex-​Wirecard CEO Markus Braun has now been com­pleted. Last week, the ques­tion­ing of the former CEO of Wir­e­card AG came to an end. On the last day of his testi­mony, Markus Braun once again em­phas­ized that he con­siders him­self in­no­cent. Ac­cord­ing to Braun, for ex­ample, there was […]

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Visit our blog Achtung An­leihe! and stay up to date on all is­sues re­lated to bonds. Sign up to our free news­let­ter and re­ceive cur­rent in­form­a­tion right in your in-​box. Our news­let­ter is free, without any ob­lig­a­tion and can be can­celled anytime.

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