Lichtmiete-Founder Alexander Hahn is back in Business. Aggrieved Investors see Light at the End of the Tunnel
The Nordwest-Zeitung was the first to report on it: Lichtmiete founder Alexander Hahn is back in business. He will be able to buy back the remains of his company from the insolvency estate. You can find the details here.
Even if this is not the end of the struggle, it is a moment to pause and rejoice. Insiders are talking about the ‘comeback of the millennium’! Despite the incompetence of the insolvency court and the inactivity of the creditors’ committee, an insolvency mafia has been successfully brought to justice. The alleged ‘continuation company’ Novalumen has failed, several of those responsible are in custody, and the company founder Alexander Hahn is back at the helm saving what can be saved.
The work is not over, it is just beginning. It will be a huge task to stabilise the Lichtmiete business again after Novalumen has produced scorched earth in its protracted death throes. It will not be possible to fulfil investors’ expectations immediately. It is impossible to repair in a few months everything that evil and greedy people have actively destroyed in three years.
We are considering taking action against insolvency administrator Weiß, against the creditors’ committee or even an official liability action against the state bodies that have contributed to this tragedy. We will make a few good offers in this regard.
Today, however, we congratulate Alexander Hahn on his stamina and fighting spirit.