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Lichtmiete-​Founder Alexander Hahn is back in Business. Aggrieved Investors see Light at the End of the Tunnel

The Nordwest-​Zeitung was the first to re­port on it: Licht­mi­ete founder Al­ex­an­der Hahn is back in busi­ness. He will be able to buy back the re­mains of his com­pany from the in­solv­ency es­tate. You can find the de­tails here.

Even if this is not the end of the struggle, it is a mo­ment to pause and re­joice. In­siders are talk­ing about the ‘comeback of the mil­len­nium’! Des­pite the in­com­pet­ence of the in­solv­ency court and the in­activ­ity of the cred­it­ors’ com­mit­tee, an in­solv­ency mafia has been suc­cess­fully brought to justice. The al­leged ‘con­tinu­ation com­pany’ No­valu­men has failed, sev­eral of those re­spons­ible are in cus­tody, and the com­pany founder Al­ex­an­der Hahn is back at the helm sav­ing what can be saved.

The work is not over, it is just be­gin­ning. It will be a huge task to sta­bil­ise the Licht­mi­ete busi­ness again after No­valu­men has pro­duced scorched earth in its pro­trac­ted death throes. It will not be pos­sible to ful­fil in­vestors’ ex­pect­a­tions im­me­di­ately. It is im­possible to re­pair in a few months everything that evil and greedy people have act­ively des­troyed in three years.

We are con­sid­er­ing tak­ing ac­tion against in­solv­ency ad­min­is­trator Weiß, against the cred­it­ors’ com­mit­tee or even an of­fi­cial li­ab­il­ity ac­tion against the state bod­ies that have con­trib­uted to this tragedy. We will make a few good of­fers in this regard.

Today, how­ever, we con­grat­u­late Al­ex­an­der Hahn on his stam­ina and fight­ing spirit.

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